"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Enjoy your life"
These are the only statements I have believed, upon first hearing, up to present date and time. I believe life is an opportunity to do exactly these things. I've taken it upon myself to propagate these principles, as I feel it is my duty as a human being. Life is my an OPPORTUNITY to propagate these ideas.
I was raised in a Christian household. I was groomed to become a Christian. I became a Christian adult. I wavered in my Christian faith during experiences outside my immediate family circle (making friends and associations outside the Christian church).
I've recently decided I hold Atheist beliefs and reject Christianity.
Today (4/7/11) I am considering affiliating myself with the Humanist community. I just read the "Humanist Manifesto II" - http://www.americanhumanist.org/who_we_are/about_humanism/Humanist_Manifesto_II. as well as the previous Humanist manifestos.
I believe I concur with the "Humanist Manifesto II" in it's entirety. I am a Humanist.
Holla if you feel the same way!